2010年12月3日 星期五

2/12...Congratulation to Never Alone Station

quiet long time din type my blog with using english...
nothing special today...
congratulation to our Never Alone Station
today having a good production,
i heard from other ppl comment about
and im sorry..cant do anything for this time
since we finish our radio production group assignment
is it means that Never Alone Station also "finish" ad?
thx for Never Alone Station,
i hv learn many thing when we work together for Never Alone Station
and Never Alone Station bring a lot of friendship for me
Jayden Vanessa Cherish ThengTheng Monica Boey Alice Ken JiaChao
(especially is Jayden Lim hahaha...our Triple J)
thx for you all...

and one more thing...
how you think about one of the relationship,
whether is the relationship between two best friend or a couple
which one you think that is important?
... ...
i think, the answer is "not found"
do you agree?


